Sunday, January 31, 2010

Post 2

This week, when Professor Rubin talked about servers, I knew that this is the technology I would need for my website, The server would control access to all the resources of the website, including user profiles, previous carpool groups, and maps/routes for getting home. It would take very few people to run the website since it is mostly user generated information, but in order to join in the effort of Green Computing, I would try to use a virtual computer to reduce my consumption of energy and generate less waste.
In order to attract students to the website, I would be sure to follow the 4 effective website criteria: design, technology, content, and management. The design would have to be simple and the technology easy to use. No busy student would take extra time to learn how to use a confusing site to get a ride home. Our content would be minimal, since the students would be the ones providing most of the information. And for this site, management is crucial. Like any other site, figuring out how to make the website more user-friendly and efficient takes time and trial and error. A management team would be a large component of the company to ensure the website is easy to use and hassle-free. would also have a large social media presence because it is one of the primary ways that college students communicate. Twitter tweets and facebook messages/status updates could alert students with the most recent postings and remind students to begin networking to find rides home during the holidays and breaks. Twitter and Facebook would remind students when it's time to check for Spring Break plans.

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